We have added some cards to the shop. These are inspired by late summer and autumn. I like them all so much I think they deserve to be explained a bit more in depth! 😀 Some of you might think cards feel a bit familiar – you’re right. After some requests, we have brought available some of the favourite cards from our postcard books as single ones.
Our autumn cards show a topic for conversation that you can always count on for small-talk: the weather, in three variations. “Beastly weather” is a new version of a rainy-day, gray card, with some bright and cheery red bursts of color. “Water wires” is also a black-and-white version of a previous Minor card. It’ll be also soon available as a foldable greeting card, sold with an envelope. “Golden leaves” shows the sunny side of the autumn with bright blue sky and shiny yellow maple leaves.
Autumn theme is carried over to the card “Hibernating subshrub“. The photo is of a frozen bog rosemary, ready for winter. Some autumny berries are shown in “Red berry heart“, which is a black-and-white card with color highlight effect. The berries of the season can be used in “Tasty berry porridge” – recipe, which is an addition to our series of recipe cards.
I’m very excited about the card “Stardust“. It’s a picture of a nebula in the direction of Scorpius taken by Hubble space telescope and was picked from among many star pictures due to its beauty. The objects in the picture are sadly not visible to the naked eye, but luckily with this card you don’t need a telescope to see them.
Another of my favourites is “Peace flag“. All the recent conflicts had made me think about ways to help peace. I found an answer when making the cards! We combined two well-known peace symbols into this card: peace circle symbol originally used in the campaign for nuclear disarmament and the rainbow flag of peace, used in Italy during peace marches and flown from the balconies. After the card was finished and sent to be printed, we noticed some similar peace symbol combinations. You could say many good ideas have occurred before, and nothing new under the sun!
Although we do have something new and not seen anywhere else: new Postcrossing – stickers! The stickers, made in the same style as our popular “Love Postcrossing” – card, are only available from us! The stickers are made with durable glossy plastic and precisely cut, so they come off really well. 😀
Check them out at once and order yours to be sent around the world!
Sunny autumn days to all of you!
Minor Postcards