Delicious spoon cookies

1.30  (ei alv. rek)

A postcard.

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Quantity pricing - Hinnoittelu määrän mukaan
1 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30+
1.30  1.10  1.05  1.00  0.90  0.80 
SKU: 5195D Category: Tags: , , ,


Spoon cookies are a coffee-time delicacy with a secret: the recipe calls for the butter to be boiled before adding the rest of the ingredients. This extra step gives them a rich and deeper flavour. The name and shape for the cookies comes from using spoons to shape the dough. Traditionally raspberry marmalade is used, but you can of course use any filling according to taste. Making spoon cookies is not complicated, but takes some time. For special occasions, they can be made in advance and kept in the freezer.

Additional information

Weight 0.005 kg