Alina and Lauri


A postcard.

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1 2-4 5-9 10-19 20-29 30+
1.30  1.10  1.05  1.00  0.90  0.80 


Suomen Höyrypurseura ry. organizes the Saimaa Steamship Regatta every year. The picture was taken in 2023, when the event was organized in Mikkeli. In the photo, the steamships are on their way to the port of Mikkeli.

S/S Alina was built according to the drawings of 1901 in 2006. Alina has sailed at least in Kuopio and the waters of Lake Pyhäjärvi in Tampere.  Ship is well suited for cruises of 10-12 people. The bow of the ship is open, the stern has a glass-walled saloon. More information about Alina from the website of the Suomen Höyrypursiseura:

S/S Lauri was completed in 1931 and it operated between 1931 and 1968, towing VR / Vapo’s log shipments to Lappeenranta. After the summer of 1968, it was in a dry dock for a couple of years and after that it continued sailing in Saimaa in private ownership. The tug steamer has a saloon in the bow under the deck where a couple of people can sleep. More information about Lauri from the website of the Suomen Höyrypursiseura:

Additional information

Weight 0.0045 kg