County flower Rowan

1.30  (ei alv. rek)

A postcard.

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1.30  1.10  1.05  1.00  0.90  0.80 
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Rowan tree is relatively short compared to some of our other trees. It grows also in the northern parts of our country. Rowan tree is the County Flower for Northern Savonia. There are also other species of rowan, but you can distinguish the Sorbus Aucuparia from the completely separated leaf stems.

During June, the Rowan tree bursts into white flowers. Around the end of July and beginning of August, the small fruits start to turn red and ripen. The berry-like fruits are an important source of food for many animals and especially birds during the late autumn. Rowan leaves turn bright red  too, so sometimes the berries can be hard to spot.

The berries are edible, with lots of vitamins and fiber. It has been traditionally combined with apples in preserves, or made into jellies, jams, juices, alcoholic drinks such as liquor or wine, and have many uses in traditional medicine.

The Rowan tree is beautiful the whole year, and is traditionally kept in people’s yards. It is traditionally regarded as holy by Finnish custom, and believed to protect from evil. The leaves can be used as herbal tea. Wood itself is fine grained and pliable, therefore it’s used in handicrafts, utensils and cookware, and furniture.  The bark can be used to tan leather. The Rowan tree truly is amazing!

Additional information

Weight 0.0045 kg