We had a wet Xmas and the start to a new year in this area but few days ago winter clothes have been useful again. It’s -10 degrees below zero Celsius and some centimeters of snow, we’ll see if the real winter finally started.
New requested Xmas cards were still not published, but three wintery cards increased our selection before Xmas. Snowflakes, red cottage in snowy forest and snowman wearing a red wooly hat were usable as Xmas cards even though they had no printed greetings on them. Those seem to be very well-timed cards right now when it is snowing outside!
Campaign -20% on cardbooks continues the first months of this year. It’s the time to take a look at those and order your favorites! At this point it seems that we won’t publish any new cardbooks because the technique of making those cost-effective in Finland needs much bigger amount of printing and markets. Instead of those we have thoughts about other kind of ”card packages”, let’s see when those are available.
We are now planning and designing new cards which should come out in the spring. There will be at least a new map card… and a food related recipe card…. animal subjects will be at least swans and also squirrels (which have been living in our yard this winter and I have some photos of them)…. and I’m sure there will be a national dress at some card.
If you have ideas or wishes what kind of cards would you like to find in Minor’s selection, please contact me. You can send a message via contact form or answer the questions at surveys. And of course you can send email directly to me: info @minorpostcards.fi
May Your year 2014 be filled with cards!
Minor Postcards